Saturday, December 26, 2009

skin whitening solution

skin get tanning becouse of sun exposure ,u can see difference between exposed and unexposed skin, sun rays contain UV rays which stimulate melanin inside the cell, once melanin is increased the only solution is remove the cell layers which contain high melanin by the process called chemical peel, there are different peels for different indications for whitening from tan combination peels will work well, i know which combination will work for perticular kind of tan.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Finding the Right Sunscreen
Now that you understand the importance of using sunscreen on a daily basis, finding the right product is not easy. Perhaps the trickiest part of sunscreen use is finding one that doesn’t cause problems, particularly if you have normal to oily skin, acne-prone skin, or sensitive skin. Active sunscreen agents including avobenzone, benzophenones, octyl methoxycinnamate, oxybenzone, padimate O, and many others can cause irritation on the skin, creating patches of dryness, itching, rashlike breakouts, redness, and swelling. Because these particular sunscreen agents can be potentially irritating, many dermatologists feel that titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are the best sunscreen ingredients, since they are practically benign on the skin and are excellent screens for both UVA and UVB radiation. I wish the subject could end here and I could unequivocally recommend titanium dioxide and zinc oxide as the only sunscreen ingredients to look for, but that isn’t the case. As safe and effective as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide are they can be occlusive, meaning they can block and clog pores. The issue for any ingredient that can cause breakouts is threefold: how occlusive it is (meaning blocking oil flow out of the pores), how irritating it is on the skin (perhaps causing rashlike breakouts), and how much the ingredient duplicates what the pore already produces, adding more fuel to the fire. Titanium dioxide and zinc oxide pose the first problem for skin. Are you guaranteed to break out if you use a sunscreen with titanium dioxide? Absolutely not, but it is a possibility. Everyone’s skin reacts differently to any and all cosmetic ingredients. One other issue with a sunscreen that uses only titanium dioxide and/or zinc oxide as the active ingredient is a cosmetic one, as these products tend to leave a white appearance and can feel somewhat heavy on the skin. That can be a problem for all skin types. In response to that shortcoming, many sunscreen products combine titanium dioxide with other sunscreen agents, which reduce the amount of potentially irritating ingredients while also decreasing some of titanium dioxide’s occlusive tendency.
Sunscreens for Oily Skin
The search for a sunscreen that is appropriate for oily skin can be a frustrating, lifelong pursuit. Even those I’ve created for my line can pose problems for some people. There are difficulties of several kinds. First, the types of ingredients that can be used to suspend sunscreen agents are not exactly the best for oily skin. Regardless of the claim on the label, there are risks that the base formulation can clog pores or feel slippery or greasy on the skin. There’s also the problem that the sunscreen ingredients themselves can cause an irritated breakout reaction, a response to the synthetically derived sunscreen agents. (Regrettably, that is the nature of almost all active ingredients used in cosmetics—“active” meaning they actually do something on the skin. Whether they are AHAs, Renova, benzoyl peroxide, hydroquinone, or sunscreen ingredients, if they work, they can be irritating.) In the case of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, even though they are relatively innocuous and have minimal to no risk of irritation on skin, they can still clog pores, being the thick and occlusive ingredients that they are. Finally, given the wide variety in formulations, there is no way to quantify which ingredients are more problematic than others for causing problems. What’s my advice? The only true answer is to experiment. I wish there was a slam-dunk solution I could offer, but there are no product lines that can legitimately make the claim that their sunscreen won’t cause breakouts (and those of you with this problem already know that).
Foundation with High SPF Sunscreen
For oily skin, or any skin type for that matter, wearing a foundation with a high SPF is an excellent idea, particularly for women with oily skin who don’t want to wear layers of skin-care products. This is also an option for women who are just tired of wearing layers and layers of skin-care products and makeup. Luckily, there are now many well-formulated foundations and tinted moisturizers with good SPF numbers containing avobenzone, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide (with the latter two being far more common than foundations with avobenzone). The one negative about using a foundation with sunscreen is that you need to apply it generously; thin, sheer applications don’t work. Plus, as the foundation shifts during the day it is essential to touch it up with a pressed powder containing an SPF 15 that includes the UVA-protecting ingredients of avobenzone, titanium dioxide, or zinc oxide.If you wear a foundation with a good SPF you might forget to use a sunscreen on your hands, neck, throat, chest, or any other area of your body that is exposed to the sun on a daily basis. If so, those brown “age spots” and crepy skin texture are related to sun damage. Like wrinkling on the face, wrinkling on the rest of the body can’t be mitigated without daily use of sunscreen, and that means reapplying your sunscreen every time you wash your hands and taking care to put sunscreen on any exposed parts of your body, day in and day out.

How to apply both sunsceen and make up

Dry your face thoroughly.
Apply sunscreen to your face in a thin, even coat. The average adult requires about 1/4 to 1/3 of a teaspoon to cover the face. Use at least an SPF 30, though sunscreens are available in 50 and 60.
Let the sunscreen soak into your skin.
Dab away any excess sunscreen with a tissue.
Apply your foundation as normal. Foundation with an SPF can give you added protection.
UVA and UVB rays can penetrate right through make-up and burn your skin. It’s important to protect yourself and your skin with sunscreen even when you are wearing foundation.
Choose a high SPF-rated sunscreen for your face. Your face naturally tans and burns faster than other parts of the body because the skin is more delicate and more exposed.
There is debate about how often sunscreen should be applied. Some say another application is needed only after swimming or sweating. Other experts say reapplication is necessary every 2 to 3 hours.